Strategic Thinking for Top Management: A process provided by Roger Handley
Strategic Thinking is a Decision Making Process that results in: Defining clear Goals and identifying of all the Critical Issues that must be managed to successfully implement future strategy. My name is Roger Handley and this is what I do:
My approach to Strategic Thinking is to provide a management team with a concise Strategic Decision Making Process which they can quickly take and use to identify and discuss the important issues facing their business and to make the appropriate decisions to define and implement strategy. This process does not tell management how to run their business it simply assists them to formulate strategy on their own behalf. This thinking process will help management to articulate a distinctive business strategy. A strategy that competitors will find difficult to copy. It will also help them to identify the Critical Issues that must be managed in order to successfully communicate and implement strategy. My process will provide a clear framework and meeting structure based on a logical and systematic thinking process using current and accepted business management practice. This process is provided as a package of printed support materials and presentation aids for a senior manager to facilitate on behalf of the management team of participants in a series of short meetings. I can also provide a one to one coaching session for the chosen facilitator or facilitate the process myself on behalf of the management team. The flexibility of my process gives you a number of options from which to choose exactly the format of service that you require thus customising this to the needs of your management team. A Chief Executive once said to me: "I consider that it's my job to have a clear strategy and to make sure that everyone understands what it is. Your process has helped me achieve this aim" Why should you use this process? Strategy will succeed when it is clear and unambiguous to those people expected to complete the implementation. A strategy that remains locked away in the heads of a few key people will prove extremely difficult to deploy. Therefore, effective communication of strategy is critical to success. Utilising my Strategic Decision Making Process to discuss the options and agree strategy will enable your top management team to clearly understand and thereby give commitment to future strategic direction. Without this the organisation will lack focus and waste resources. It will meander from one issue to the next and lose momentum resulting in a lack of growth and reduced profitability. Growth is a “given” so the question is “what will it take to grow your business faster than your competitors?” The answer is to invest in Strategic Thinking and together with your top management team, use my Strategic Decision Making Process to help you outthink your competitors. Thank you for visiting my web site, Roger Handley.
For references and testimonials from some of my clients please visit my LinkedIn
profile page: You can watch my overview presentation of Strategic Thinking on this website or go to YouTube and search for "Handley Strategy Workshops" This is what you will get by investing in the process:
Overall, you will achieve faster growth and improved profitability
Roger Handley, Strategy Meeting Facilitator, Owner & Founder of Strategy Workshops.
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