Client Comments A process provided by Roger Handley
Strategic Thinking is quite different to strategic planning. Conventional strategic planning will output volumes of mostly quantitative data reports to a level of complexity that frequently results in a lack of understanding about direction. This inevitably leads to a difficulty of communication and implementation. Most of this data has risen up through the organisation until it reaches the top management team who will then attempt to make future business decisions by relying on this data to agree the budgets for implementation initiatives. By contrast Strategic Thinking is a top down process and uses mostly qualitative information which enables top management to quickly identify and discuss the main issues facing the business and then to agree a future direction that will optimise their resources and exploit the most appropriate opportunities. This is done by creating a strategic profile to describe the future look of the business and by identifying the critical issues that must be managed to implement strategy. All the original Client letters featured on this website are available for personal inspection. At this stage you may prefer to view actual client comments on my LinkedIn profile page. Just select the link on the Home page of this website and when on LinkedIn scroll down to the listing of recommendations. Please use the scroll bar as there are several letters in each frame.
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